Tuesday, March 1, 2016

converting ithmb to jpg

.ithmb is a file format used by apple on phones and ipods.
Its a pain to convert to convert them you used to be able to use iThmbConv
but I cant find an updated version that works.

This worked
linux I assume any distro will work.
Install foremost http://foremost.sourceforge.net/

on debian based distros
sudo apt-get install foremost
then go to the top directory of the files you want to convert in this example
"iPod Photo Cache"

I dont want to convert individial files but you can if you want I want to merge the files and covert all at one time so:
 First command merges all the ithmb files in the folder and all subfolders

example@example:/mnt/work/iPod Photo Cache$find . -type f -name *.ithmb -exec cat {} > example.data \;

second command outputs the jpgs into a folder named example.
example@example:/mnt/work/iPod Photo Cache$ foremost -t all -i example.data -o example

the two commands
"find . -type f -name *.ithmb -exec cat {} > example.data"
"foremost -t all -i example.data -o example"

If you want to do individual files you can .. this will extract jpgs into the directory example from one ithmb file:
example@example:/mnt/work/iPod Photo Cache/F00$foremost -t all -i example.ithmb -o example

to make a directory for each .ithmb file in the current directory:
example@example:/mnt/work/iPod Photo Cache/F00$for img in *.ithmb; do filename=${img%.*};foremost -t all -i "$filename.ithmb" -o "$filename"; done

hope this helps some one else looking for an answer to this question.